"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just another day in paradise...

Long overdue, I know. Here are some pics from Hawaii. I don't have all the pictures I want to post because others have them and I don't. But I do have some...

The Hawaii Temple was my favorite! We went there for our little FHE and all enjoyed ourselves! I have never seen anything as amazing as this Temple! ...it has its own ROAD! When we were at the top by the Temple, we looked down straight to the ocean! What a site!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

To Zach

and I guess everyone else can read this too. :) :)

I thought now that your Birthday was forever ago it seems that I still needed to do a post to you. You are the best to me! I really don't know how I got so lucky!!! I love being in your presence, you inspire me, you strenthen me and lucky for me, you love me. Seriously, there could be no one better for me or the kids! You rock man! Happy 28!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Baby Girl....

Happy Birthday Sarah!!

I can hardly believe it was a year ago when she came into my life!
I just love being her mom! She is definitely a ball of energy!
She is SO much fun! I could go on and on about her! Here are a few things I love!
*When I'm comforting her she pats my back too.
*She imitates sounds and it is adorable!
*She growls like a lion and makes many other animal sounds
*She says hi to anyone! Everyone loves this! Even if someone is a few feet away, she will say hi if they look at her!
*She is just figuring out that she is funny. She does things to make us laugh and then she laughs too.
*She loves Ben. She loves crawling on him, waking him up or playing with him.
*Boy she loves her dad! She lights up every time she sees him!
*She loves to climb on anything she can get on. She is very resourceful about this one! I definitely underestimate her when it comes to climbing or destruction! I am amazed often! She even climbs up the slides at the park! Her face when she goes down is priceless!
*She is such a sweetie! I love it when she reads with me or lets me cuddle her and sing to her before bed.
I love my baby girl! I love watching her learn and grow! This is one amazing part of motherhood! I love it!
This is a video from Hawaii that gives you an idea of the ball of energy I am referring too. :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I'm laughing that just before I go to Hawaii all I say is "check out this link". Sometimes I wonder if I deserve to be called a blogger. :)
You heard it right, we went to Hawaii last week, left on the first and got back this morning. Zach's sister Karen got married there on Thursday. We only went because we were supporting family, not because we wanted to go or anything. :)! I had a fabulous time! More to come on the details you can bet!
I did want to report a few things. First of all, my baby is ONE YEAR OLD! Yep, today is Sarah's Birthday and I just can't believe it! We didn't do much today as we just got back and we're all crazy. We did go to my parents this morning and she had a candle on her pancake, then tonight we sang to her again. She is starting to get the hang of the whole blow out the candle bit and it is super cute!
Second of all, I did finish "Breaking Dawn" and I loved it! I think it was my favorite of all the books. What did everyone else think? I think Emmett and Jacob are officially funny. I am so happy that Bella and Jacob end up together! (I hope I didn't ruin that for anyone!)
Okay, third of all, tomorrow is Zach's Birthday too! I am just so busy with loving people I hardly know where to start! :) I love birthdays though, and it is a good thing! Too bad Zach has to work tomorrow or I would throw him a party! He so deserves one! He is THE best husband in the world! , THE best dad ever and I just feel so lucky he is mine!
Many posts to come! ALOHA!