"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Family Pictures

My sweet friend Brianna took our pictures a few weeks ago and I LOVE them! It was kind of last minute. I talked to her Monday and we had them taken Wednesday. Picking the wardrobe is a little intense when you don't have time to go to the store before! I am so happy with how they turned out though!

I had these taken because I wanted some with the Lily bear in them. I also was starting to feel "well". I still have my ups and downs and some days lately are worse than others. I realize why the ups and why the downs which is half the battle.-the other half is doing something about it.
I was feeling well because I had done a pretty good job of filling my bucket spiritually speaking. I spent a whole day at the Temple, I started reading in every book of scripture about the Savior and His teachings, Zach gave me a day at home and I did whatever I wanted when I wanted to. (made Fall decor, went for a walk, took maternity clothes out of my closet, read, wrote in my journal). All these things and many more really helped me to feel like I had light in my eyes again.
I have low days now because I don't pay enough attention to the things I need to do to feel the Spirit. I am glad I recognize it and know what things make me feel better. Now I just have the same challenge and that is finding the time to do all those things. :)
The other thing that has helped probably more than I realize is the love of family and friends. We have felt the prayers and have benefited greatly from thoughtfulness in so many degrees. I have honestly felt so many times that the Lord was aware of me and loved me through my family and friends. SUCH a humbling experience.

I am realizing lately how much I need revelation. I don't know (this is me being really honest) how to decide when to get pregnant again. The thought brings incredibly bitter and incredibly sweet feelings. I love babies and I love growing my family. I am also scared and still healing. (emotionally and physically) I just turned thirty and I'm not getting any younger. I also feel like we have another little Spirit waiting to join us here. Yeah, I need revelation and to have it spelled out for me! :) Wouldn't that be nice?
Things right now are a good-hard. The good comes from the hope the Gospel brings. I am holding on.

I also look around and hear of the struggles that other people are facing and think, "I'll keep the challenges I've got". Life is good. I am glad to have this time to learn and grow and also enjoy.
Today Josh said to Ben, "come here closer so I can punch you." I just love listening to them they are so fun!

I have so much to be grateful for! So much. To name a few: Zach, our kids, my family, my mom, my dad, my sisters, my brothers, their friendship, many, many good friends, good health, the gospel, the scriptures. These are blessings and nothing short. I don't deserve them. These and many more are tender mercies.