"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Friday, December 9, 2011

It's not really December is it?

For a lot of reasons the fact that it is December just blows my mind! I can't find my camera. I have been meaning to post these pictures anyway. Halloween was fun, carving pumpkins was surprisingly enjoyable as well. I actually made a pie from a garden pumpkin and roasted some pumpkin seeds this year which is new! I was quite, vocally proud of myself for attempting such a feet. :)

When I actually look at my children's faces and think of how lucky I am to be there mother, I am happy to be here. Right here.

Counting my blessings is a really, really good medicine these days.

With tears in my eyes that come easily right now, I really do feel blessed.

Interesting thing that Lily was due on December 25th. Everyone said (well, mostly everyone) that this time of year would be hard for me. October and November came and I felt blessed, happy and like life was going well. Then December came and I started crying for it seemed was no reason. Then I realized, "oh, duh, it's December". I pretty much haven't stopped crying since. I am not trying to, it's just that I have realized I am repeating August. This time I feel like I know how to handle it better though. I do feel weak and it is hard to muster the strength sometimes to do what I need to do. But at least this time I know what to do.

I am really enjoying this time of year too because of all the focus on the Savior. I feel the Spirit so strong whenever we talk about Him in Primary. We are so very blessed to know of His life and teachings and what they mean for us here and in the hereafter.

I was not planning on posting anything today. I think I just needed to write.

I know my Heavenly Father knows exactly where I am and exactly what I need. What a wonderful feeling that is!
I'll work on finding that camera of mine so it can start looking like Christmas on this here blog. :)