"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Friday, November 2, 2012

i remember this day

i've been looking through pictures for my dad, for his 60th...if you can believe that!  i ran across this picture this morning.  it is amazing that looking at a picture you can remember so much about the time.

i remember this day and this exact moment.  i had prepared to help Ben with his shoes and then he said to me, "mom, i can do it myself".  i was proud and sad all at the same time.  

oh, motherhood.  i want him to do it himself.  to be so secure in my mothering that i don't "need" my children to need me...now, i'm not so sure how to do that.  but gosh, i am so proud.

being a mother is so great.  so, so great.  this pic was four years ago.  there are so many things he can all by himself.  it is so crazy how time flies.

indeed it does, whether i like it or not.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

a whole hand!

The one and the only Sarah turned Five today!  She was so excited for her birthday!
 Ben got tired of her asking, "is today my birthday?" that he pointed to the fire place and said, "when there is a sign over there, it will be your birthday okay?!"  Pretty close to the first thing that Sarah said to Ben this morning was, "lets go measure me!" don't we all think growth is supposed to be instantaneous?
 Sarah had a Fairy Party.  It was fun!  I do have to say it went well.  Especially considering we started planning it on Sunday.  I did not realize until Ben asked me if Sarah got to have a friend party...that she was turning five.  Good grief.
 after we transformed into Fairy's and Gnomes, we enjoyed a snack of sticks and berries.
 while they ate their snacks and dressed up or glittered themselves they just played...which I'm a total fan of.
it is so fun to listen to them visit and be silly.

then the father of the year sent the kids on a treasure hunt!
the only picture i took of the decor.
the clue was placed in the chicken coup fence and fell through.  Sarah saved the day!
they crossed the bridge  and ventured into the garden.

they may have gotten side tracked for a moment by the horses.  it was sweet.

then they were off!  while they got the clue at the mailbox i ran through the house...
and met them. :)
they were SO excited to find the map!
they found the treasure and decorated crowns or butterflies with their jewels.
Sarah really thought about her wish.  it was cute.
cupcake time! ...and more funny business.
aw their personalities!

notice the collision about to happen below?  such action!

Sarah loved flying around the tramp.
the kids all spent some time decorating and re-decorating themselves with glitter and stamps at this bench. (above)  "fairy, fairy, dragon" being played below.
the highlight of the day according to Sarah was tag with dad!  yep.  they all totally loved it!
i love this picture below.  this was one of those times i fell in love with Zach all over again.
Sarah had a great time with her cute friends and i was actually glad we jumped the gun and did it on her birthday.  She was so excited to turn five and loves being able to tell people that she is five.  Sarah is Sarah and she is so good with it.  I love her confidence and spunk.  Her smile and laugh add so much to my days.  I love being her mom and so enjoy all the random adventures that come with it!  I love you Sarah!  Happy Birthday!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

help me if you can!

since i have a lengthy post on my new blog, i will refer you there! :)


Thursday, June 21, 2012

for this intent.

so, i started another blog. :)  just for me really.  but if it was really just for me, it would be an online journal and not a blog.  i am writing to share.

just wanted to let you know. :)

here's the link: http://forthisintent.blogspot.com/

Friday, May 25, 2012

our soccer star.

 soccer season is over.  ben made himself his own sign for us to hold at his games.
 he even told us what to say and when to cheer before hand.  he was totally a soccer star.
 zach wasn't the full-time coach but he did fill in and enjoyed it.  ben liked it too.  he loves his dad.
 we like the games.  we bring blankets and treats and have a good time.  sometimes the kids aren't exactly thrilled and end up going in their pajamas.
 this is a rare photo, he is usually chasing the ball or playing with the other boys.  he's enjoyed himself.
 the things josh tries to do for a three year old scares me.  but is he ever thrilled when he does it.
this season of soccer was a little bit more difficult for ben.  the boys are a lot better and goals aren't as easy to come by.  he did score once and had some assists.  he is excited about next year because they get to have a goalie.  it's fun to be a mom.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Welcome Home!

 He had a huge fan club waiting at the airport.  Boy were we glad to see him!
 David Rodney Moyes, Norway Oslo Mission.  2010-2012.  Returned with Honor.  I knew he was a good missionary but to see him talk about taking off his badge when he was released, I really knew it then.  This Elder loved being a missionary and I don't think he could be any happier with the way he served.  Well done Dave.
 Dave has some seriously great friends.  He was happy to see them.  These three are roommates at the Y this year.  They won't have any fun.
 I am proud of David for the kind of missionary he was.  I am also proud of my mom and dad.  Gosh, I love them.  They are the best supporters anyone could ask for!
 We missed Angie.  It's hard for everyone when someone is missing.  It will be nice when we are all together soon.

 Oh my, the escalators were such a hit!
 This little Kate is such a joy!

 Dave left freezing weather in Norway and it was 90 + today.  Yeah, he thought he was going to die.
 Considering the heat, we were grateful for some shade so we could play outside.
 Sisters.  Alexa & Kate.  (Rachael's girls)  and Abby (Steph's daughter) in the window. :)
 We love it when we get to see cousins.

This was watermelon rinds that we brought home for the chickens.  Yeah, Josh was helping take them out to the chickens the next morning and decided to stop and enjoy a bit before he turned them over.  His summer staple is watermelon.