"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wanting to remember

Oh Reddick! I was just nursing him before bed, he stopped, looked up at me and said, "hi".  Then he latched back on and closed his eyes. He can bring a smile to my face so easily. But I have to admit, that was sweet. 

Tonight was classic with Redd and Josh and Josh and Ben. Zach has Sarah at a Daddy/daughter dinner, dance. It's me and the boys and there was a lot of wrestling. So fun!
While Reddick was finishing dinner, Ben and Josh were all over the living room floor just laughing and knocking the wind out of each other. Redd watched...I'm sure he was taking mental notes. 
Then, I was reading to Josh and Reddick would play a little and then come climb on Josh. I hope to get a video of this sometime because it is so,so funny. Josh is helpless under Redd.  He just laughs and laughs while Redd climbs from foot to head, visa versa or across his tummy. Oh my word, it's so funny. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sarah lost a tooth!

Tonight, on our way home from Ben's Jr. Jazz game...

"Mom, Dad." "Yes, Sarah". "I lost my first tooth" "when?" "Just now. I pulled it out."

She was so calm about it. It was hilarious. 

 We celebrated the rest of the drive home and once inside she said,
"I can't believe it! I've never lost a tooth in my whole long life!  We don't lose teeth when we're babies because babies don't have teeth!"

I just love how brave she is. She pulled out her tooth without telling anyone she was doing it. Too cute.   

Sunday, February 9, 2014

My Valentine

These are a few pics I had that illustrate some things I love about Zach. He works to provide and protect. He does a really great job and I am SO grateful for all he does! So grateful. 
When he's home or when we're out as a family, he is a team player. He helps with the kids and considers what needs to be done to help everyone have a good time and be taken care of. Like a few weeks ago at the WSU game, Sarah danced at halftime, Zach rocked Redd  to sleep because he saw he was tired and the game was going long, not because I asked him to. 

I love that he'll sit with our kids. He reads, he plays, he is here when he's here. These pics are Reddick getting his glasses, which he is actually quite good at. :)
Another thing that these pics illustrate is that he's a hottie! I definitely love that! ;)
I think often about how blessed my life has been because I landed such an awesome husband. I am so grateful. Life with Zach has been such a pleasant surprise. 

More and more mobile!

These things are new around here this week. I am just wishing he'd stop and loving his cuteness at the same time. Reddick is such a fun baby!

Beautiful mommy

I came out this morning just like this. Josh looked and me sweetly and said, "you're beautiful mommy". Maybe he was trying to butter me up. Seemed genuine to me. Sweet boy. 

Lucky Lil Cowboy

Sarah has loved pushing Redd around on this horse. Because of the risk of him falling off the horse, Sarah decided it would be wise to tie him on. The bathrobe works quite well. Good thinking darling.