"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

out of order...

Now that Christmas has come on gone all too quickly, I am thinking of a new year and what it will bring.
I have been thinking a lot about a talk by President Uchtdorf.... I have absolutely loved this quote. I wanted to share and hope it will give you some motivation as you think on some goals for the new year.
"Try and keep on trying until that which seems difficult becomes possible—and that which seems only possible becomes habit and a real part of you."
Somtimes I think it isn't possible to be patient with Sarah or possible to run longer than 6 miles, or decorate pretty birthday cakes, or get up early to read everyday, etc.
This year I will do as President Uchtdorf has counseled and pray that those seemingly impossible things will become habit and a real part of me. Oh, I pray!
Here's to a wonderful new year!

Monday, December 14, 2009



I was inspired and thought I'd share. For some reason it linked the Christmas Spirit clip at the beginning. Keep watching for President Uchdorf. Lots of love!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

This just in....

David has his mission call! He is going to the Norway Oslo mission! I am so proud of him! He is such a good kid with a huge heart! He has been so excited to go on a mission for as long as I can remember! He is "freakin' stoked" to know that he is serving in Norway! Congrats Dave! So neat!

It is a special experience to be there when they open their calls! Oh, I just love it! I am also grateful for the confirmation of the Spirit, to know that he is supposed to be serving there. Way awesome!

I really am grateful!

I have been thinking a lot lately about what I am thankful for and one huge thing is my family!
There are days or times for that matter that all I want to do is take half hour, an hour, fifteen minutes- ANYTHING! and just clean! Sunday was one of those days, it had been a crazy weekend-good, but crazy. After the kids were in bed, Zach was making some phone calls and I sat at the table rolling cookie dough, thinking about the craziness that surrounded me. I had the thought that President Monson pointed out in his conference talk "Finding joy in the journey" come to mind, where he said;
"If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and that you will—to your surprise—miss them profoundly."
And so I went around the house taking pictures because I knew even though they drive me crazy, I can count it all as a blessing and be grateful that I am surrounded by the laughter of children, toys, food and just plain happiness!
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My little planner....

This little dude wanted to have a "play party". so we did.
We made invitations, took them around to all his friends in the neighborhood, raked all the leaves up so the kids could jump in them. (which they totally did!)

Chose the carrots we wanted them to eat. (from our garden)

Made sure dad would be home. (what a good sport he is too)

Made popcorn, apple juice and picked our carrots. Boy did we play and have a great time. I was so proud of Ben for his vision. He really did a good job planning this and carrying it out. I think all the kids had a good time playing. Way to go Ben!

Friday, October 30, 2009


The other night we went around to "Boo" our neighbors. Ben was so excited to wear his tiger custume and scare them that we gave up on the idea of being "sneaky" this year. We had a fun time watching our friends faces when they saw our kids. Sara wouldn't be anything other than a buffalo. go figure. :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

our little dude...

is 7 months old and had the swine flu? yuck! Except it only lasted a day. weird? yeah I think it is but honestly on Monday he looked like he had been hit by a truck! You name it, he just wanted to sit there. he was so hot, he threw up, he could hardly eat with his nose so stuffed up, his poor eyes were so red and watery. It was so sad! then there was Tuesday, he was super tired but everything was all cleared up. He has an occasional runny nose but nothing like Monday. weird but I'll take it.

This little establishment was made my Ben so Josh could sit on the kitchen floor while we ate dinner and if he fell he wouldn't hurt his head. The little thinker.

We love Josh! I didn't know babies could be so happy and chill. I have got it good! He has taken to sucking his thumb though! Nice but not so nice. Just in the course of a few days whenever I looked at him, got him up from his nap or put him down for his nap he had his thumb in his mouth. Cute but a bad habit. Love this kid!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cooking with the kids

I get the biggest kick out of watching them cook and especially use the mixer. I just had to get some footage. Did I mention I love footage?

First Food

I love footage! I think I will always remember the facial expressions or whatnot and I really don't. Oh how I love footage!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy 6 months!!!

Would you believe Josh is 6 months old? I can't! I have loved this kiddo!
This is the morning we started him on rice cereal. Ben and Sarah were so excited!
I could play with him all day! His laugh and smile are so worth anything!
He sits up pretty well, he still topples some. He loves his saucer. He still surprises himself when he rolls over. This is such a fun age!
He wasn't so hot on the rice cereal, but he ate some.

He loves to play with his dad! I just love how excited he gets when he sees him.

We're alive and we have a camera!

Here are a few pictures of what we've been up to. Zach went out of town last week so we went and stayed with my mom. It was nice to be able to spend time with my parents and Matthew. I just can't believe it but he has less than a month left before the MTC!! We celebrated by making a recipe of Albanian meatballs! He is gonna eat well in Albania. As you can tell the kids enjoyed time with him!
Sarah and Ben coloring.
For our ward Primary activity we went to touch the Temple.

Josh has ben SO MUCH FUN! We love this kid!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I went one whole month?..plus some days.

Wow, I would be surprised if anyone checks my blog anymore. I must have lost any faithful blog checkers I had because I've been a stink and haven't posted a thing! Goodness!
Well, here I am, had a fun month of August and I just can't believe it is September!
Our camera gave up the ghost and I don't know what to do with myself. We had two family reunions at the first part of August, I took two pictures and my camera decided it had had enough. Sad day indeed. Doesn't that drive you nuts when you think your children are being adorable and you can't take any pictures? Oh my, Sarah turned two and no picture on her birthday! Josh turned five months and not a one picture taken and Zach turned 29 and I know he doesn't change as much as the others, but no picture on his birthday either! He was in the hospital too and no picture of that! Yep, he had pneumonia over this last weekend. Can you believe that? Just like an old man! He is getting better though and boy am I glad...even though it really has been nice having him home during the day!
So, next week I am doing a preschool for Ben. Has anyone else ever done that? Have any ideas?
I am using ideas form websites and such but, if you have any suggestions, feel free.
I had better go clean my kitchen, made blackberry jam today and it looks like it. :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Camping in Island Park

We went camping with some friends in Island Park a couple weekends ago and just now I decided I should post. We had such a good time! We survived camping with three kids and now feel like we can do anything. :)
It was super cold at night but we (well, the kids and Zach) managed to get some sleep, I was so worried I kept getting up and checking on them. Ben kept sliding off his matress and Sarah sat up just once and then didn't move the rest of the night. Josh slept in the swing and that was wonderful except for when Ben slid under his swing and it stopped swinging. :) good times.
I have a ton of pictures, so here goes!

Mesa Falls, Sarah couldn't get enough of it, she watched it forever!
The cuties just over the falls
Just chillin' at lunch time.
I love my family.
Ben enjoying his solitary spot. He really sat there so much.
Josh was such a good sport, if you can't tell he is on a raised of grill.
Cookin' some dogs.
Sarah and her watermelon, not sure how many times we washed it off. :)
Bringin' back some wood for the fia.
Sarah and Tevye are so smart, they brought a hammock!
Lindsi and Allie enjoying the shade.
Didn't realize this was blurry but I love how much fun they had and this shows it.
We were pretending we still do adventurous things and we jumped off the dock. Good times!

Thanks for the good times guys! We had so much fun!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Three months old!

Josh is THREE MONTHS already! I can't believe it! Can I just say that he has been such a blessing in our family! He brings me such joy! ...all of us, really. He coos and smiles and yesterday I got him to laugh because he is tickleish! Aw, babies! I love the innocence and the genuine love. Even though sometimes it is hard, it really is nice to be needed.
His smile melts my heart! and makes me so happy!
Ben loves to make him smile. (too bad the toys were in the way)

He is so chill, it is adorable.

They both just love him.

Dad's favorite thing! Josh is always captivated by him. (can't blame him for that!)
She mostly just takes the toys he's playin' with, it is nice that he doesn't care. :)
He is such a good sport because this little momma LOVES her baby!
Ben loves to hold him too, he would really hold him all day...unless he cries-Ben says that is the time I should feed him. go figure.
He's my little buddy. I could just squeeze him, and sometimes I do. :)
These jammies say "mommy's little monster", he is definitely not a monster but they are way cute jammies. Thanks Meg!
Sweet little guy!
Where has the time gone?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Ragnar

I know it is late but I am still proud and I had to document. Zach ran the Wasatch Back/Ragnar Relay a couple weeks ago. His team came in an hour and a half ahead of schedule and had a great time. Zach was the first runner so we ventured to Logan to see him start the race. We stayed at our ACCOMMODATING & OH SO GENEROUS friends house in Nibley cause the race started in Logan at 7:20. There would have been NO WAY I could have done it with the kids if it weren't for Matt and Robyn letting us stay at their house! Thank you so much guys! Oh and get this, they had only been in there home for one week and they let us stay! Aren't they nice? (it definitely did not look like you just moved in, it is so cute!)
Zach's total mileage was like 18.4 miles or something. He did great! His hardest run was out old snow basin road and down trappers loop at 4 in the afternoon! It was so hot!
Here are some pics for ya.
I can't get over what a good sport Josh is! He was so good to put up with all the chaos of following Zach. He has turned into such a chill and happy baby!
This is the only picture I have of Julie. Zach has a very supportive family. They came to watch Zach run down trappers with us. They are such a big help and the kids love doing anything with them!

This is Zach and Sarah at the starting line. She was a little confused with the whole thing. She wasn't sure why he was running away when we passed him in the van she didn't understand why he didn't get in. It was kinda funny.
Me and my girl. Ya know she is a handful but she sure is a lot of fun!

I just thought this was funny that Sarah was trying to pee like Ben. She kept saying "pee too".

Whenever Zach has done a race, Ben has always run with him, he looks forward to it and loves it! He is so proud of his dad!
Steven will hold Josh all day, he loves the kid!
Grammy and Sarah waiting for Zach to run by.
And there he goes!

This was after his first leg. The kids already missed him and he'd only been gone an hour. :)
Hot, sweaty and happy!
Josh is in the stroller behind us, it was freezing!

Let me just say, I was lucky to get this shot. He came up way to fast for lil' ol' me! Way to go Zach! Sure love ya Babe.