"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Dear Zach,

I love your stinkin' guts
You make me happy
You are the love of my life.
Love, Bec-ca
(from Little Rascals for those that don't remember)

Today we celebrate FIVE YEARS! Go us!
I love to think back on what we've done and where we've been.
Here are some that come to mind:
3 kids (kind of a big chunk of time)
Lived upstairs, downstairs, the whole house and upstairs
and the whole house...we've moved a lot. :)
4 different jobs, gaining lots of good experience.
Sunday school teachers, yw president, elders quorum 1st counselor, executive secretary and new mom meal coordinator.
Oregon, California, Ireland, Hawaii, camping :)
Zach doesn't complain about my cooking and we don't fight. I don't know how I got so lucky to marry such a great guy. He is so fun to laugh with and I love doing anything with him. He has been so wonderful to me. Happy Anniversary Zach! I love you!

So I wrote this on the 12th and then I had trouble posting it. Now that its the 26th...Happy Anniversary month!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day to the moms in my life!
Over the last couple months and years for that matter, I have really grown to love these two! Zach's mom and my mom. Man, they have been an anchor either through their example or through their service to me and my family.
I could call either of them for help ANYTIME and they would be there in a half hour. :)
When we had Josh, they both came and helped, watched the kids, told me to sleep or take a bath, cleaned the house or simply encouraged me.
When Sarah went to the hospital they both came to offer their help. I was so glad to have them there. It seemed as soon as they walked in the door a weight was lifted and I knew everything would be alright. What a comfort a mother is!
I am amazed with all they have to juggle in their lives. They do so much for all their kids and yet when they are here or talking to me, I feel like I am an only child. :) They both make me feel so loved!
I don't know what I would have done the last few months without them! It makes me cry when I think of how much I love them! Thank you so much for all you do! You are wonderful examples and fabulous friends! I love you both!

Hospital toys are pretty cool!

We had an episode! (if you wanta call it that!)

Two nights at the hospital. One with sleep and the other, without.
Sunday, Sarah got into some ADD pills at a family party. She took them at lunch time and we saw the effects about 2:30 or 3. We found out she took the pills when we were in the ER at 10pm.
These pictures are taken the day she went home. Even then, you can see how drugged up she was. She and Zach stayed Sunday and Monday night, Tuesday at about 10 am they let us go.
Because of the ADD med she couldn't focus on anything and just freaked out until they gave her a sedative to counteract the amphetamine in her system. Once the sedative got into her system she calmed down but was still too wired to sleep. She finally fell asleep Monday at 5:15 am and then only slept 3 hours and woke up freaking out again.
It was very scary to see her like that. We were glad we found out what she had taken, it answered a lot of questions. Up until then, we were very confused and disheartened by her behavior. We didn't know how to help or what to do.
Once she started to recover, it was like a year and a half, fast forward. She gained muscle control, could hold up her head, control her arms, sit up by herself, walk with help, walk without, answer questions, use words, play peek-a-boo, laugh, knew her name, could focus long enough to play with toys. Every new development we rejoiced! When she did any of the above or when she slept.
She was back to her whole self yesterday, walking with out bumping into walls and everything! She is still tired but at least she can go to sleep without drugs. We were so glad to bring her home and glad things worked out alright. It was beyond description to watch her go through that and not be able to help. I, especially was grateful that Zach could stay with her and bless her with the Priesthood. I know that made a big difference in how she recovered, the doctors finding out with was wrong and her finally going to sleep. I am grateful to have him as the father of my children and my husband. How blessed I am to have a worthy priesthood holder in my home. It sure brought me a lot of peace when I couldn't be with her at the hospital, to have him there.

I found my camera cord! :)

I think it has been like a month since we lost our camera cord, we bought another one because I was gonna lose my sanity. :)
I have a lot of pictures to post! Josh is 6 weeks today! He has grown so much, so fast! He is starting to try and make sounds and use facial expressions. He is so sweet and fun! Ben and Sarah still love him and want to hold him a lot. Josh is waking up twice at night and doing better with naps most days. Sometimes I think I have him figured out and then he throws me for a loop. I am not all hormonal anymore so I handle it better. :)
The picture with the kids is 5 weeks, the one with Matt is Easter, the one with Steph is 2 weeks and the one on Zach's shoulder is cute. :)