"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Monday, March 17, 2014

i love how pictures can say so much about a person!

I love, love, love this kid!  We all do!

Ben turns NINE!

It's true, he did. My first baby,turned nine. I can hardly believe it. It has been such a joy to discover motherhood with him as my first ginny pig.
Saturday we threw a knights and ninjas amazing race birthday party for him. It was fun to watch the varying competitive spirit in these boys and a few that aren't pictured. We sent them on a treasure hunt and they had to complete specific tasks to get the clues. They had a good time and so did we. I was happy that Ben said it was "awesome" and "he had a blast". We did most of it outside as it was a beautiful day. So, naturally Ben got sunburned. 
That night he seemed quite tired and was saying how cold he was...we attributed it to his new sunburn and sent him in for a shower, got some aloevera on him and sent him to bed. 
Well, Sunday was his actual birthday so we woke him by singing to him, which he always loves. 
It was daylight savings and we have nine o clock church. I just thought he was tired due to a busy day Saturday and an earlier morning, so it didn't strike me as very odd that he was wrapped in a blanket on the couch waiting for his birthday breakfast. 
When the egg as and muffins were ready, he sat up to the table we blessed the food and then two tears streamed down his cheeks and he said his throat hurt too much and he couldn't eat. 
Poor kid.  I felt so bad that he felt all terrible and never said anything, he just hung out. Turns out it was strep. 
I could tell when the Motrin was doing good work for him because that's when he would get up and want to do something. So, we went for a walk up to the lake and threw rocks which is a favorite.

He had a great birthday because he's Ben and he looks on the bright side.  It was fun to celebrate with him.  I so love being his mom!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Pictures that say it all

Almost 10 months. Is everywhere. Has four teeth in and two on the way. -which is why I'm weaning him and he only plays or cries in his crib. Yet, he is such a happy, playful baby. 
I don't really need to say anything about the naked baby...it's obvious we were doing laundry for a reason. 
Being a mom rocks.