"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Funeral Follow-up

I know it is late but I still wanted to dedicate a post to my Grandma.
The funeral was wonderful. It might sound strange but for the most part, I like funerals. I usually leave motivated to do better and be better. That was totally how her funeral was. Grandma was always doing, doing something to better herself or her surroundings. She took up art in retirement, she played the saxophone, she was always working in the garden or in the kitchen. A lot of memories I have of her, she was singing or humming a tune, which I loved. She loved to laugh, she laughed with us all the time! She would almost always laugh so hard she would cry!
She & Grandpa built a cabin (with their kids of course). I have so many cherished memories there! Playing dominoes, rumikub, singing around the piano or going on walks with Grandma. She took us to the frog pond to catch frogs or just wandered around checking out the newest cabin being built.
Grandma had dementia for the last 6 years or so. Grandpa took such great care of her. I left the funeral feeling almost like I had forgotten who she was and then I realized, that is why Grandpa cared for her in such a way. She was always a women of integrity and confidence, she knew who she was and acted like it. Grandpa remembered all that! If only I were better with words! I am just grateful for his and her example!
Grandma and Grandpa really loved each other. They worked side by side toward their goals, supporting each other and enjoying each other along the way. That is another memory I have is of them dancing at times, saying to us how they just couldn't believe we didn't know the waltz or the jitterbug or whichever dance it was. Whenever we would visit their home, she was always quick to offer us a stale graham cracker or a bowl of freezer burned ice cream! It got to be a joke that whenever we celebrated a birthday, someone else would bring the ice cream! :) How I love them!
The Saturday before she passed away Rach, Steph and I went over to her house and talked to her. I am so glad we did! I was able to tell her one last time how much I love, admire and appreciate her! I am so grateful for the gospel and the knowledge I have of forever families! I know she is in Heaven looking after us and rooting for us to do better. I love you Grandma!

Zach outside the cabin. Can you believe they built this?

This quote is on a wall at the cabin and is so Grandma.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Half way!

Whoot, whoot! I'm 20 weeks, almost 21! I know, this babe is gonna be here before I know it! I am getting so excited! Maybe in a little denial too? I have a ton to do to get ready and I almost don't know where to start. I am feeling better though, so that is nice. At about 16, almost 17 weeks I felt a huge difference in myself and found myself thinking, "I missed me!". It is nice to play and sing songs again, I felt so awful I didn't realize I wasn't doing that stuff as much. Now that I think about how good I feel, I'm not sure how I survived the last 4 months! But, survive we did! Oh, and for those confused by the "Lily" comment of Ben's, yeah, he says we're having a girl and her name is Lily. We don't find out what we're having though. He came up with that on his own. He named Sarah too, so we'll see if he's right again. Cute kid!
October came and went, I really enjoyed it though. Leaves changing and no really super cold days. What a nice fall it has been! I'm thinking it might be a long winter if Ben & Sarah can't ride bikes and play in the dirt! Oh man, we're gearing up for some serious cabin fever fun!
Last, but certainly not least. My Grandma Coons passed away last week. I'll do a separate post after the funeral tomorrow. I do love her. I am so grateful for happy memories and for my knowledge of Eternity! What comfort they bring!
I'll try to blog more regularly so as not to have forever long posts...another one of my good intentions. :)