"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Monday, January 25, 2010

"Help me remember my opportunity"

to teach
to be taught
to mold
to encourage
to believe in
to influence for good
to enjoy
to praise
to love
Motherhood is my opportunity. It is not a burden or something to wish away. But an opportunity of a lifetime!!!

I love being a mom. What a blessing it is!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lights OUT!

On Friday we had our first "lights out" night with the kids. This involved dinner by candlelight and no lights until the kids were asleep.

Here is what I learned:

*candles are fun and everything but go with the flashlights. -kids can safely play with those.
*check the batteries before the lights are out!
*don't leave closet doors open after looking for batteries! although (if your husband is in a good mood) you'll probably get a good laugh out it!
*you can't clean your house before an emergency so-watch your step.
*purchase a lantern flashlight. you can set that down and the kids can't look straight into the light.
*have working flashlights in every room.
*put the kids to bed with flashlights every night, then maybe Sarah will always stay in bed!
*do this monthly. good practice and good times!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Yes, we had Christmas!

and it was lovely!
We enjoyed baking!
More playing!
Lots of smiles and laughs!

We had a wonderful Christmas! We enjoyed each other, our family and the Spirit of Christmas!
This was a special Christmas for us. We tried to dig deeper and give more meaningful gifts to each other...spend less and enjoy more.
I guess the meaningful part had me so stressed out that I thought more than I did. But my plan is to be a little more ambitious earlier on in the year.
Crazy how you prepare and plan and all of a sudden it is over. We just took our decor down on Saturday. I love this time of year!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Elder Moyes

I just LOVE this picture! Matthew made it through 12 weeks at the MTC and is, as of last Thursday in ALBANIA! This is a picture of him with the Niel's, the Mission President as his wife.
We were able to talk to him at the airport on Wednesday and I LOVED that!
He sounds so good! I love having a missionary brother!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Update Blog

I started a public blog for those of you who would like to know when I post.
Thanks for checking my blog. I enjoy keeping in touch this way.

Marriage Blog

this girl I know with some seriously good intentions started this blog. I just wanted to let you know so you can look at it if you want. :)

It's a marriage blog. hope you like it.