"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Monday, March 28, 2011

Josh - 2 Yrs Old

This little man had a fun Birthday! We love Josh and are enjoying this fun stage he's in. I absolutely can not believe that he is two! Nope, I can't. Time just flies.
I was taking pictures of him and then said, "I love you Josh". While shoving his cupcake in his mouth he said, "I love you too, mommy". That is when I switched to take the video. He didn't repeat that for me, but I still loved the video. :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Who knew?

Apparently everyone knew that time would fly by. I was told over and over again. "They will grow up before you know it". Here we are, celebrating Ben's 6th Birthday! Now I can be one of those people that say it. Time really does fly!
We had a great day. I asked Ben what his favorite thing was and he said it was bowling. We haven't been in a long time and we all had a fabulous time!
After bowling at Fat Cats, we went to the Ogden Pizzeria and had some delish food. We love that place!
I am just now posting this because I was almost just as wiped out as I was the day I gave birth! I took a nap after the kids were in bed and then cleaned up the beautiful mess I made in the kitchen!
Yeah, would you believe this little dude ordered a three layer chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and strawberries on it? First attempt here. It was a noble effort if nothing else. :)
Mr. Ben here has been waiting for his birthday since Christmas. I had told him his birthday was after Christmas, so he was expecting it the day after. It has been a long three months!
He is SO excited to be six!
Today at his school they did a "celebration of life" thing where I brought pictures of him at each year and talked about things he did during each of those years.
Needless to say by the end, I was teary. He has brought more joy to my life than I would have ever thought possible. Thinking about all the things he has learned and all the ways he has developed. I am amazed.
I am so proud of Ben. He really is a special boy. The way he looks out for people, the way he so easily accepts spiritual things. The sincere love he gives to others.
Since the beginning of time he has loved his dad. He still likes to say goodbye to him whenever he leaves. He is still excited when he comes home. He loves to do everything his dad loves. They went ice fishing a couple weeks ago and got some red faces. Luckily he had a band aid on his forehead so everyone at church the next day would know how white he was before. :)
He loves to play basketball, football/basketball (where you use a football and tackle and shoot it in the hoop), soccer, play Lego's, army guys. He loves to read and listen to Magic Tree House books on the iPod. He has really progressed in reading. It has been very fun for all of us.

He has really enjoyed the Nintendo we got for Christmas. Pretty much whenever he has a day off of school when I ask what he would like to do that day is says "play Nintendo!" If there were no time limits, he would not complain!

He is a great big brother. Sarah and Josh love his attention. We miss him a lot when he is at school. Ben is so excited that next year he can stay all day at school like the big kids do. I have to say, there are few things that make me so sad. I will miss him very much.
We love his laugh, smile, helpful attitude and honestly his presence. He is a joy to have around.
I love you Ben! happy 6th Birthday!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

shout hooray!

Happy Birthday Elder Matthew Moyes Sr.! He is 22! I can't believe he has been gone so long!
Reading HERE the other day and felt so proud of my brothers! I am so grateful Matt has been

able to serve in Albania. He loves it there. He loves the people and they love him. He will be home in October and although I am so excited I can almost not even stand it, I am so glad he is on a mission!

I absolutely love Monday's! I love hearing from him and feeling of his love of the gospel and the people he is serving. His growth is easily recognizable and I am so proud of him!
What a blessing his service has been to our family!

Happy Birthday Matt! I love you like never before! :)