He is the best man I've ever known. I look at these pictures...especially the ones of him with our kids and think, "he's a giant of a man".
He is so good and so kind. I wished that I could have been more of myself for his birthday.
We did spend a lot of quality time together that day but it was meeting with doctors and seeing the ultrasound of Lily-confirming that she had passed away. I was so heartbroken and devastated that I didn't have much to give. He was so sweet and we made the best of it.
Zach has taught me so much about patience, optomism, forgiveness and love. He has also taught our kids much of the same and more through his example. (he is the reason they gather flowers for me when we are hiking-because that is what he does)
I am so, so grateful for Zach. I love laughing, talking-well, doing anything with him. He is my best friend.
He is now officially in his thirties. I just can't imagine. That is forever away for me. I'm just a young buck. :)
I love you Zach. You've been such a strength to me. You'll just never know.-you'll have to take my word for it. :)
Happy 31st Birthday!