Maybe if I had held my breath he wouldn't have grown so fast? One day he is born and the next...he's SEVEN! There are more words than I have for this sort of thing!
I plain love this boy! He is a wonderful, wonderful boy!
I loved him as a baby, and I'm happy to report, I am still quite fond. :)
As of the date he enjoys:
basketball, soccer, riding his bike with his friends, drawing, painting, legos, star wars, ninja's and building things out of cardboard, paper and tape. He attempts to make things out of wood but he is still working on nailing in the nails.
His current ambition is to build a tree house and a fence for his part of the garden. He also loves reading about caves and talks often about visiting them.
He often tells us we need to get some land and that we need to have more kids. He seems quite concerned with both subjects. :)
He loves math, especially money math. He is never bored and very self driven. If he is without something to do, he will help with cutting food, he will draw, jump on the tramp or play legos...or perhaps the latest fun, chasing our rooster!
Lately he has added exercising to his list of jobs in the morning. When we were making our list of family rules the other day, he mentioned "be helpful, be a hero" -I typed it as such and he said, "with an exclamation point!"
Being in Primary with him is fun. He is often a jaw dropper for the other teachers in there. I am often told, "he is so smart, I should just let him teach!" and "how does he know that?!" He loves the scriptures and is a total sponge for all things spiritual.
So, we obtained some chickens and ducks almost two months ago and some little chicks too. Well, one little chick died and we almost had another die. We nursed it for over an hour. Ben went inside and when he came out, I informed him that the chick was moving its head! He ran over and said, "Heavenly Father answered my prayer!"
I need to blog more, this post is getting so long!
I am impressed with Ben and his uniqueness. He humbles me often with phrases like, "mom, the Spirit leaves when you talk like that." and he also is so sweet when he gives me a hug and says, "I want to hug you forever".
For his Birthday he chose to go to Trufalga with his family, have pizza, a three tiered cake-chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate, with strawberries on top and chocolate ice cream. (yes, he is my child!) He is a planner and took the responsibility upon himself to make a list of everything he wanted to eat on his birthday. (I plan to train my children to excellent cooks so they will comply with my list on my birthday, good plan huh?!) I love Birthdays, it gives us an excuse to celebrate each individual person and why we love and appreciate them. That, I believe, is a benefit to us all.
I am proud of this sweet Benjamin of mine. I love being his mom. Happy Birthday Ben!
(on March 9th, but at least I posted!)
Becca :)