"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Monday, December 1, 2008

Here we go!

Ladies and Gentelemen, we're gonna make our blog private.
Just about everytime Zach see's me on the computer he asks if I've made our blog private yet! So, next week sometime we'll be makin' the move.
I really haven't wanted to because it is such a nice, easy way to keep in touch. So, PLEASE if I don't have your email, leave it! I don't want to lose touch with anyone!
Thanks and have a nice day!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Funeral Follow-up

I know it is late but I still wanted to dedicate a post to my Grandma.
The funeral was wonderful. It might sound strange but for the most part, I like funerals. I usually leave motivated to do better and be better. That was totally how her funeral was. Grandma was always doing, doing something to better herself or her surroundings. She took up art in retirement, she played the saxophone, she was always working in the garden or in the kitchen. A lot of memories I have of her, she was singing or humming a tune, which I loved. She loved to laugh, she laughed with us all the time! She would almost always laugh so hard she would cry!
She & Grandpa built a cabin (with their kids of course). I have so many cherished memories there! Playing dominoes, rumikub, singing around the piano or going on walks with Grandma. She took us to the frog pond to catch frogs or just wandered around checking out the newest cabin being built.
Grandma had dementia for the last 6 years or so. Grandpa took such great care of her. I left the funeral feeling almost like I had forgotten who she was and then I realized, that is why Grandpa cared for her in such a way. She was always a women of integrity and confidence, she knew who she was and acted like it. Grandpa remembered all that! If only I were better with words! I am just grateful for his and her example!
Grandma and Grandpa really loved each other. They worked side by side toward their goals, supporting each other and enjoying each other along the way. That is another memory I have is of them dancing at times, saying to us how they just couldn't believe we didn't know the waltz or the jitterbug or whichever dance it was. Whenever we would visit their home, she was always quick to offer us a stale graham cracker or a bowl of freezer burned ice cream! It got to be a joke that whenever we celebrated a birthday, someone else would bring the ice cream! :) How I love them!
The Saturday before she passed away Rach, Steph and I went over to her house and talked to her. I am so glad we did! I was able to tell her one last time how much I love, admire and appreciate her! I am so grateful for the gospel and the knowledge I have of forever families! I know she is in Heaven looking after us and rooting for us to do better. I love you Grandma!

Zach outside the cabin. Can you believe they built this?

This quote is on a wall at the cabin and is so Grandma.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Half way!

Whoot, whoot! I'm 20 weeks, almost 21! I know, this babe is gonna be here before I know it! I am getting so excited! Maybe in a little denial too? I have a ton to do to get ready and I almost don't know where to start. I am feeling better though, so that is nice. At about 16, almost 17 weeks I felt a huge difference in myself and found myself thinking, "I missed me!". It is nice to play and sing songs again, I felt so awful I didn't realize I wasn't doing that stuff as much. Now that I think about how good I feel, I'm not sure how I survived the last 4 months! But, survive we did! Oh, and for those confused by the "Lily" comment of Ben's, yeah, he says we're having a girl and her name is Lily. We don't find out what we're having though. He came up with that on his own. He named Sarah too, so we'll see if he's right again. Cute kid!
October came and went, I really enjoyed it though. Leaves changing and no really super cold days. What a nice fall it has been! I'm thinking it might be a long winter if Ben & Sarah can't ride bikes and play in the dirt! Oh man, we're gearing up for some serious cabin fever fun!
Last, but certainly not least. My Grandma Coons passed away last week. I'll do a separate post after the funeral tomorrow. I do love her. I am so grateful for happy memories and for my knowledge of Eternity! What comfort they bring!
I'll try to blog more regularly so as not to have forever long posts...another one of my good intentions. :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

at least I had good intentions.

Monday : intentions are so good.

3:30 Sarah wakes up
3:45 Leave to Black Island Farms for some family fun. (it is a corn maze, a pretty cool one actually)
Pick a pumpkin and return home
5:30 Dinner
6:30 FHE and carve pumpkins from our family fun.

5:00 Sarah & Becca wake up
5:30 Have dinner
6:15 go to Carlos' produce and buy pumpkins
6:30 FHE and draw on our pumpkins instead of carving.

Family fun...still accomplished and I got a nap. :)

She's a walkin'

14 1/2 months and finally walking!
It is so fun to see her walk into a room.
Oh, it is the best to watch her grow!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The news you've all been waiting for....

Maybe I'm the only one who feels like I haven't blogged in forever.. But for those of you who have missed me, I'll tell you where I've been. :)
Drum roll please!....
Throwing up! Yep! We're gonna have baby number threeeee!! We are very excited, just sick of being sick is all. :)
We're due the end of March. That puts me at about 14 weeks. (3 1/2 months) I am already starting to think of all the things I need to do before this bundle arrives....ahh!
Blogging has taken the back burner for those that noticed. :) I just take care of what I can and eat and throw up and sleep.
I had a birthday on the 7th which was a lovely one. Zach was wonderful to me, but ya know, he always is! It is a little weird to think that I'm 27 now! I'm getting up there! One thing I'm excited about is the Anne of Green Gables series on DVD that Zach gave me. :) I've always wanted that in my collection. :) He also took me on a date Saturday night and then on Sunday I got a nap and when I woke he had made dinner. Oh the loveliness! Happy birthday to me!
Zach was put in as Executive Secretary in our ward on Sunday. So, now I'm thinking while he's at meetings I'll be able to catch up on blogging. Don't hold me to it, that's just what I'm thinking. There are so many fun things that we were able to do this summer, that I really need to jot down before I forget!
As to not make this super long, I'll just go now...and read some of your blogs. I have REALLY missed that! Lots of love! Becca~

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

before the paradise...

...often times is something not so much like paradise.
This story must be told...
There we were, Salt Lake airport ready for take off-11:56 AM...delayed.
We boarded the plane, taxied, Sarah fell asleep, mechanical problems...deplane. While going back to the gate it is announced we now have crew problems, what was once going to be a half hour is now going to be three....one could only hope! We found out the crew problems were that the pilot just found out his mom was dying, so he needed to go back to Atlanta. We couldn't really be mad at that...

Very long story short, Zach did some good talking and negotiating to get us a good amount of vouchers and an extra day in Hawaii. We did just about anything to entertain the kids, including licorice for Sarah...which she loved to say the least!
They got us a hotel for a little while and we bathed the kids, got them in their pj's and taxi'd on back to end up leaving at 10 pm! We couldn't believe the delay!...10 HOURS! We were so happy when we were finally in the air!
Ben woke up just before we landed and watched out the window. He was so excited when he saw Hawaii that he started yelling, "that's Hawaii, we're at Hawaii!!" Well, he got so excited, he had everyone on the plane cheering!!! It was SO funny!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just another day in paradise...

Long overdue, I know. Here are some pics from Hawaii. I don't have all the pictures I want to post because others have them and I don't. But I do have some...

The Hawaii Temple was my favorite! We went there for our little FHE and all enjoyed ourselves! I have never seen anything as amazing as this Temple! ...it has its own ROAD! When we were at the top by the Temple, we looked down straight to the ocean! What a site!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

To Zach

and I guess everyone else can read this too. :) :)

I thought now that your Birthday was forever ago it seems that I still needed to do a post to you. You are the best to me! I really don't know how I got so lucky!!! I love being in your presence, you inspire me, you strenthen me and lucky for me, you love me. Seriously, there could be no one better for me or the kids! You rock man! Happy 28!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Baby Girl....

Happy Birthday Sarah!!

I can hardly believe it was a year ago when she came into my life!
I just love being her mom! She is definitely a ball of energy!
She is SO much fun! I could go on and on about her! Here are a few things I love!
*When I'm comforting her she pats my back too.
*She imitates sounds and it is adorable!
*She growls like a lion and makes many other animal sounds
*She says hi to anyone! Everyone loves this! Even if someone is a few feet away, she will say hi if they look at her!
*She is just figuring out that she is funny. She does things to make us laugh and then she laughs too.
*She loves Ben. She loves crawling on him, waking him up or playing with him.
*Boy she loves her dad! She lights up every time she sees him!
*She loves to climb on anything she can get on. She is very resourceful about this one! I definitely underestimate her when it comes to climbing or destruction! I am amazed often! She even climbs up the slides at the park! Her face when she goes down is priceless!
*She is such a sweetie! I love it when she reads with me or lets me cuddle her and sing to her before bed.
I love my baby girl! I love watching her learn and grow! This is one amazing part of motherhood! I love it!
This is a video from Hawaii that gives you an idea of the ball of energy I am referring too. :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I'm laughing that just before I go to Hawaii all I say is "check out this link". Sometimes I wonder if I deserve to be called a blogger. :)
You heard it right, we went to Hawaii last week, left on the first and got back this morning. Zach's sister Karen got married there on Thursday. We only went because we were supporting family, not because we wanted to go or anything. :)! I had a fabulous time! More to come on the details you can bet!
I did want to report a few things. First of all, my baby is ONE YEAR OLD! Yep, today is Sarah's Birthday and I just can't believe it! We didn't do much today as we just got back and we're all crazy. We did go to my parents this morning and she had a candle on her pancake, then tonight we sang to her again. She is starting to get the hang of the whole blow out the candle bit and it is super cute!
Second of all, I did finish "Breaking Dawn" and I loved it! I think it was my favorite of all the books. What did everyone else think? I think Emmett and Jacob are officially funny. I am so happy that Bella and Jacob end up together! (I hope I didn't ruin that for anyone!)
Okay, third of all, tomorrow is Zach's Birthday too! I am just so busy with loving people I hardly know where to start! :) I love birthdays though, and it is a good thing! Too bad Zach has to work tomorrow or I would throw him a party! He so deserves one! He is THE best husband in the world! , THE best dad ever and I just feel so lucky he is mine!
Many posts to come! ALOHA!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Edward vs. Jacob...find out now!

Don't click if you don't want to know! None of this waiting until August 2nd bit! :)


Monday, July 21, 2008

It's what fun is!

We went to Lagoon with Rach and her kids, Grandma and Dave. We had a great time. We stayed the whole day, we couldn't believe it.

You can tell the kids had a great time. The Bulgy pic is Ben. He really got into the ride thing, it was so fun to watch!

Brady and Alexa were the daring ones and went on a lady bug ride that takes ya way up and then drops you. They were so funny about it! Alexa would just laugh when everyone else was screaming. Kids are so fun! Porter and Sarah were such good sports, just hanging out and sleeping when they wanted to. Good times! Thanks for a fun day guys!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Well gee, now that the 4th was a week ago I thought I'd put some more pics on! We had a fun day as a family. We spent it with my side of the family, mostly at Centerville festivities and then at my parents house. We started with the 5k, then breakfast, then the parade, then sprinklers and mom and dad's. The kids loved this part!

The kids especially loved playing with Dave in the water! This was fun to watch!

Now that the 4th has passed I am kind of on a history kick. I am reading a book about Honest Abe and I love it! I think this is the beginning of a love affair with history! Happy History! Ya know, I really wish we had more men like him in politics! What a guy!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Parable of the Race...by Becca

Okay, I'm sure this isn't exactly original but I wanted to share what I've learned lately.

I have run in two races since elementary school, one of which was in May and the other was on the 4th of July.

During the relay race in May I ran on my own, (I didn't know anyone anyway) and I had a lot of time to think. I observed my fellow racers and wondered at their own story. I knew nothing of their lives, their running experience or lack thereof. In turn, they knew nothing of mine. For all I knew this was their 25th marathon or they had just recovered from cancer or had just had their second baby like me.

It would not have been fair to judge or compare when they stopped to walk and say to myself "I'm not walking, they shouldn't be either". because I don't know their reasons. Maybe that was the toughest run of their lives, maybe they have never run that far, ever....it is their race, not mine.

I came away from that relay with a new sense of what life is about. It is about running my race and letting you run yours. After all, I am gonna be accountable for how I run my race and what I do while running (judging or encouraging). The idea is to run your race the very best you can.

Now for the 5k...I ran with a couple of High School friends, Lindsi and Brooke. There were quite a few others there too, which was fun! Well, I hadn't really ran as much before the race as I had planned on. Lindsi hadn't either (so she says) :) so we decided to stick together. Brooke on the other hand had been training, therefore she left us in the dust at the beginning. :)

Long story short, I kept up with Linds pretty well for the first 2 miles. Finally at about 2.5 mile I had to puke! I made it to a corner with a hedge and a garbage can and spit and dry heaved until I felt better. I came back to the corner where Linds was so kindly waiting, feeling better but knowing I couldn't keep running at that pace... I finally told Linds to leave me. I knew I needed to walk most of the rest of the way.

Lesson learned- "no man should run faster than he has strength." I laugh at this because often my lessons are learned just this literally!

Isn't that kinda like life? We want to keep up with our friends, neighbors, peers and you know-we just can't sometimes! We really should be more honest with ourselves and others! Sure, run your best, but don't wear yourself down so far that you might not finish your race!

I did end up finishing strong but only because I stopped to spit and heave and then I walked for a little while. (Lindsi had a stronger endurance than I did, I couldn't run like she was, that's why I threw up.)

For me, both of these were great lessons. I just need to focus on where I am at in the sight of the Lord, run my race the very best I can and encourage others to do the same. No judging, no comparing, no doing things one way because everyone else is...just do my very best.
Nice pic huh? Zach said I ran so fast at the end he was lucky to get anything. He's my man, he's supposed to say stuff life that! :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Okay, okay!! Here's the pics Jim!

Beat the Back Baby!

Here I am bragging about Zach again! I just can't help it, he rocks!
Friday and Saturday he ran the Wasatch Back and did awesome! They started Friday at 2:00 PM and finished Saturday just before 7:00 PM. It makes for a long two days for the runners (and their supporters) and also a good challenge!
The race course is from Logan to Park City, 180.5 miles to be exact. Zach's total mileage of the race was 17.4 miles. He felt good about his race. He hurt his knee during his second leg, which was a bummer. So the rest of the race was finished because of his determination. He did awesome! It made for a long couple of days but memories to last a lifetime! We had a great time and are so proud of him!
The slide show is really only a few of the pics I took! I was a little camera happy I think! The race was super fun but we also enjoyed our time at the park in between his last leg and the finish line. The boys enjoyed the tree. We all enjoyed the shade and time out of the car! Thanks Gramme, Oompa, Solomon and Luke for coming with us!
Way to go Zach! You're an inspiration!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

I just had to say Happy Father's Day to Zach! He is the best! It honestly makes me teary thinking about how wonderful he is! He loves being a dad and his kids know it!

Ben wants to be just like him! When he can he wants to dress the same, do what he does and say what he says. It is amazing to me how important a dad is to a child! I am so blessed to have Zach be that role model for our kids. I can't think of anyone better! The highlight of our day is when Daddy comes home! Both the kids are so excited to see him! (not to mention me!)

Zach is so fun, dedicated, hard working, optimistic, faithful, patient and kind. How I love this man! I'm not sure how I got so lucky! Thanks for all you do Zach! We love you!!!!
Happy Father's Day!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Oh gee!

I know blogging is not a commandment...it is so nice outside these days and I just haven't gotten around to it. Here is a little update on our lives at the moment. (oooh, idea, I'll use my random comments to fulfill a tag! Oh, I love it! Thanks Flipper!)

8 Random thoughts

1) Today I spent part of the day at my Mom & Dad's cause Steph was there. We didn't get to spend much time together but I did want to go down and say bye. She is moving back east for the next few months. It doesn't sound like long but it seems like and eternity! I'll miss you Stephy! Have a great time!
2) I should be going through the ads and coupons at the moment because we don't have much fresh stuff in the house other than carrots. I can't very well feed my children that for every meal can I?
3) Zach is so great! He fixed our swamp cooler this morning and boy am I ever grateful!
4) So my friend Megan started selling Usborne books and I had a show the other day for her. It went well, I should probably call people and tell them my party closes on Wednesday so they can still order if they want. Even if you weren't invited you can still order. :)
5) Ben will randomly look out the window and if he sees a bird, he runs outside and chases it and then calmly comes back in as if nothing happened. He did not get this from me.
6) Our house is almost put back together and what a relief it is! It seems that the projects don't quite end though. Finish one, start another. I like it that way actually.
7) Thank goodness for warm weather, our garden was struggling there for a minute-it definitely needed some sun! When I think of my garden my mouth waters!
8) Sarah is everywhere! Can you believe she eats the dirt out of my plants if I'm not watching?

RULES1) each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2) people who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
3) at the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4) don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

I'm not gonna tag anyone but if you want to do it, go for it. It is a good excuse to be random which is kind of nice. :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Project...

Chaos has abounded in the Nielson home as of late- we decided to live downstairs after we fixed it up and then we decided to live upstairs so we fixed it up.
We are now mostly back upstairs except a few odds and ends we don't use that are waiting to be transported back upstairs. I tell ya, if you are gonna move, just move upstairs, then downstairs, then upstairs again- your thirst for a change will be quenched. :) (alright my thirst is quenched, Zach's really isn't but we'll just have to deal with that later.)
I am super excited about my house at the moment because upstairs it was all hard wood and now I have carpet in the bedrooms and the hallway! -giddy! We took off the wallpaper in Ben's room, which I never liked and painted. Oh, joy that it is finished!
Thought I'd share the news and show some pics. If you don't like it, don't tell me. Thanks!
After- yes, Ben is sleeping and Sarah is playing on his floor, wishing he would wake up. Isn't it amazing what they can sleep through?!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We have a crawler!

Well, it's official! Sarah is crawling! The joys of mobility! I think I know where she is and the next second she's gone! Ben does get a kick out of it...until she gets his toys! He is beginning to learn that if he doesn't want her to get it he has to put it up high or else she will!

Sarah is loving being able to crawl and it is so cute to watch! As a mom it is definitely bitter sweet. I love to watch her learn but I already miss the sweet dependent baby.

Oh well, I guess I'll just go on and enjoy this stage...while it lasts. :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Race Day!

Well, it came and went! All the hype and it's over! Crazy how that happens!
I had a great time and I'm really glad that I did it!
We finished the marathon in 4 hours and 4 minutes! We each averaged an hour. I planned on running a 12 minute mile and I actually ran it in 10!
The course is super pretty. I must admit though, I didn't look at the scenery too much...I was just focusing on the next point I could stop at! It is a good feeling to say that it's done and that I did better than I planned.
I will be looking for other races to run this summer because that was really good for me to be focused on a race..I'm just not that motivated on my own. :)
I'm a little sore, but not too bad...today. It was all worth it. Thanks for caring.:)
Zach's mom took these pics of us when she saw us on the course. She was so good to bring Ben and Solomon to see me. Zach's leg actually went right past their house, so that made it nice for everyone. They just drove around the block after they saw Zach and saw me. It worked out well. Thanks Becky for watching the kids! We really appreciated it!
That's Ben's cousin Luke in the highchair and Ben running to Zach.
One mile to go...that was the only time he stopped. Amazing man!
This is at the top of Monte Cristo road...pretty huh? I would recommend this run to anyone.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I didn't want you there anyway!

So, I just found out that unless you leave your house at 5:30 AM you probably won't be getting to Eden Park. Yeah, they pretty much close off the whole valley for this race!
I know you all were so dedicated n' all to coming out for the big race, I don't see how it will happen unless you live in Eden.
But thanks for your encouragement! I'm excited to do this.
I just didn't want anyone trying to come up at 9 AM only to find out that every road possible is closed. :) What can I say, I'm thoughtful.
I'll let you know how it goes! We'll be staying with the Nielson's in Huntsville Friday night and we'll be up bright and early! Let the good times roll! I just can't believe race day is almost here! Ready or not, here I come!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Race is on...

...Saturday! Yep, we're relaying on Saturday and I am pumped!
I am the second leg after Zach and I run 6 miles! My leg ends at Eden Park (Ogden Valley) and I hand off to Tammie. I have never run a race before and I am super excited!
I know everyone doesn't check my blog everyday, but I still wanted to put this on here for anyone who sees this and wants to come and cheer me on.
The race starts at 7 AM but I think Zach will hand off to me around 8 and I'll get to Eden Park around 9:30. I would love to see some of you there if you're not busy! Eden park is supposed to be a fun spot so, you might enjoy yourselves while you're waiting for me. :) (plus, if you know Tammie, I'm sure she wouldn't mind some company while she's waiting for me either. :))
Well, anyway, that's the scoop and I won't be insulted if you can't come, I just thought I'd invite ya! I'd better run! :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm so happy that I can say...

I'm so happy that I can say
I married Zach four years ago yesterday!
He is my love, he is my life
I am so lucky to be his wife!

Yep, yesterday was our anniversary! It was a fun day, although the real celebrating happened on Friday and Saturday. My wonderful parents took the kids for the night and we really enjoyed ourselves!
We went to this fabulous Italian restaurant called Bicco de Beppo or something like that. :) I can never remember the name but it was really good! Fun atmosphere and and great food.
We stayed in the Little America in Salt Lake. We slept in until 8:30 with no kids climbing into bed with us and then we had breakfast in bed! This was my favorite part! We went to the Bountiful Temple and then rescued my parents!
It was fun to be able to spend uninterrupted time with Zach! I just love him!
Four years isn't very long but it sure is crazy to think of all the things that have happened since we've been married. It is true what they say, "marriage is a journey". I am just so glad I have Zach to enjoy it with! I love you Babe! Happy Anniversary!

Monday, May 5, 2008

What do you think...

So, I just changed my blog again....is it too busy? Did you like the old one better? It's fun to change them, I think I'm just too indecisive. :p
Tell me whatcha think. Please.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I love it when blog surfing pays!

So, I didn't know what to do for dinner one night last week and so I set out to get some ideas. I went from one blog to another and found this VERY GOOD recipe! I copied and pasted the recipe into Word. I went back to try and find the blog so I could credit them and I seriously can't find it!
I will keep trying but for the time being here is the recipe.


Cut up your chicken to bite-size (However much you need for your fam)
Throw it in a bowl with a little milk to coat it (as much or little milk as you want)
Take it out of the bowl and cover the chicken in some flour. (however much flour you need)
Heat up a pan with a little bit of oil.
Throw the flour coated chicken in the pan and fry it so it's cooked through.

1 1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. ketchup
1/2 c. vinegar
2-3 T soy sauce
dash garlic salt

You can add this sauce to the chicken or serve them seperate. LOVED this recipe! I loved that I already had everything on hand! I hope you try it and like it yourself! I served it with rice and veggies. YUM!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

"Good night Grandpa Crocka"

Well marathom rehab is going well. I am still amazed at him. Now Ben is always "racin'" around the house. Most the time it is alright with me cause everything gets done that much faster!
Zach has taken the child care arrangements upon himself so I could attend womens conference on Friday. I felt so bad when he said he couldn't get off work and he was still gonna take care of it. Then he said "Becca, womens conference for you is like hunting for me, I want you to go". He is the best husband ever!
No go on the V.P. for Dave. Thanks to everyone for voting for him, it was said to have been close. It takes guts to try and I am proud of him for that. He is probably the most ambicious kid I know. You'll go far Dave!
Ben is becoming more and more independent everday. I love watching him grow...but a little piece of my heart breaks when he says "it's okay mom, I got it".
and then I look at Sarah scootin' around on her belly and think "I'm not sure why I was so anxious for the mobile days". They just grow so fast! It is so fun to watch and be a part of! Ben is sure in for it when she really starts getting around! She is already grabbing at everything! She has two little teefers and I love to see them when she smiles! She loves to be outside, thank goodness! Yesterday was finally warm and we loved being out there!
Now as for Grandpa Crocka and Sierus and Faba and Hick and ....oh my random names! Ben makes them all up and I have no idea how he thinks of them or where they come from! Believe me, they aren't my invention- I come up with names like Sue and Billy.
This is Ben the Buffalo, he has been wearing this just about every chance he has and it makes me laugh...except for when he charges his little sister...then it isn't as funny.
This post has officially been as random as it's title. "good night Grandpa Crocka" which is what we have to say after we say good night to him. The joys of a three year old!

Monday, April 21, 2008

My husband, the Marathon Runner!!!

So, yeah, Zach wins for randomness this time!

He totally ran the SLC marathon on Saturday! He really did awesome! He came home Monday night and said he got the email for the marathon and decided he really did want to do it....and he did! He originally began training in January and then with all the snow and such, got discouraged and stopped. He has been running regularly as there are other races he is participating in, but wasn't training to run the marathon.

I was a little worried because he has never run one and the furthest he had run recently is close to 10 miles. Yeah, he did so well!

Here are the stats: Finishing time- 5 hours 3 minutes Average mile time- 11 min. 36 seconds He came in 1,033rd place! There was some 1,300 or so that ran the marathon.

He was quite sore after as to be expected, but he walked away with two blisters and a nice sunburn. I am still amazed he did it! He said he would finish even if he had to walk. He finished running! Here is the footage, cheesy I know. I was quite emotional to see my husband still in one piece!

Way to go Zach! You amaze me!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

One month from TODAY!

Okay, so I am totally running a race! yep! ME! May 17th I am running in the Ogden Marathon Relay!!!! I am way stolked!!! and scared. :)
Me, Zach and our friends Tammie and Jared are running as a team. We're all excited.
This has been super good for me as I like to feel like I'm doing something beneficial for my body but it is hard to find the motivation when I am so tired all the time!
You wanta know what the motivation is? Yep, scared to death! I don't want to fall on my face, so therefore, I run four times a week and do yoga once a week. I am still a little nervous because I have never run this far and I haven't been training as long as I would have liked to. I am sure I will do this again though!
Anyway, wish me luck! One more month to train! AHHHH!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

a plea....

Let me just tell ya, the last few days have been CRAZY for me! Not really because of anything going on but because I OFFICIALLY have a three year old. Many of you might know what I am talking about and some of you...just prepare yourselves.
Okay, Ben is not defiant exactly, he is just three. He wants things to be done his way and if I don't read his mind I find out too late that I have done something he was supposed to do or whatever. I am not kidding. "it is my way or the highway" for him!
I thought to myself today if I have to put up with this "walking on egg shells" thing for a whole year I am definitely not going to have any hair left!
So, this afternoon Ben is sitting at the table yelling something at Sarah (teasing, trying to scare her or some other kick) and Sarah is crying because she is way too tired! I am washing pans and I was sick of trying to solve their problems. I started singing a familiar Primary song called "I am a Child of God" to drown out their screaming and crying. (I know, what can I say, I was desperate) What I was trying to do was distract my children and calm the situation. Instead I learned something.
I really was singing quite loud and for those of you that sing, sometimes (at least for me) when you sing loud you are trying to make a point or something. Well, as I was singing this song, it hit me like it was my own plea to my Heavenly Father.
"I am a Child of God" (I am, not just everyone else)
"and He has sent me here" (to this house, with these children, to be their mom)
"Has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear" (who have set wonderful examples that I can follow and perhaps use in this situation)
"Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
help me find the way." (I seriously need some help!!)
"Teach me all that I must do" (in this situation, with this 3 year old and sometimes demanding 8 month old)
"to live with Him someday" (there is a reason for all this!)

I really wanted to cry. This was MY prayer! I don't know what it is but everytime I have sung that song since Ben was born I have always thought of him and who he is and now Sarah and who she is. I really honestly was awakend today. I am a Child of God too! Not that I really didn't know that, but I think I needed the reminder.
I can be guided in this situation and there is a way to get through this...I need to seek the inspiration. Boy, even the little boost and reminder of who I am has made me appreciate the opportunity a little more. (that sounds crazy even as I type this. :))

I am so thankful for the very funny ways that my Heavenly Father reminds of things that matter. I know there are many people around me who are more natural at the mom thing than I am and a lot of times it is asking for advice.
Any one?
Thanks for letting me share. Happy Mothering! :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Vote Dave for Senior VP!!

Here is my little brother Dave's speech...I was able to go to the assembly and that was fun. He's a good kid and he's having fun running and it's been fun to watch him. He made primaries, we find out Friday if he wins...Go Dave!

-Good ol' high school! :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spring, every other day? or week?

Let's just say I am ready for the option to go outside everyday. I would love to work in my garden or sit out and read a book while Ben runs or plays in the dirt. It is tiring for the kids to sit around all day like this:
I want to see more of this:
and this: (Ben & Alexa really had to focus running down this hill- Ben learned the hard way by totally falling on his face!)
I love to watch him wear himself out!
We walked to the park a few weeks ago with some of Ben's cousins Brady and Alexa. Wow, they practically ran! We had a great time! Anyone recognize this spot? Yeah, they loved walking up there!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hooray for Elder Ballard!!!

I don't know what you all thought, but I'm almost positive many of you were thinking what I was thinking...."a talk just for me! Oh thank you!"..."I really needed that!"
I just loved conference this weekend! Oh man! I came away feeling motivated, happy, like life is good, I can do better and I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be here at this time, to be a wife and a mother! My job is important, I just need to be a little better and try a little harder.
I loved the counsel Elder Ballard gave! It is so important that we fill our well so that we will have water to draw for our families and the others we serve. So good!
I am just so thankful to know we are lead by a Prophet of God, His mouth piece! How important it is that we sustain him with our prayers and in our actions.
The church is true!
So, how do you fill your wells? Suggestions?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fools!

Many of you stay at home mom's may be able to relate to this one.

I woke yesterday morning and went about the usual routine- kids up, fed and hubby out the door. Well Zach comes into the kitchen ready for work and our conversation goes as follows:
"how do I look?", "you look awesome" (as he is wearing my favorite shirt.)
"Look good enough for my first day at CHASE?" "What?" "Yeah, I got the job" "What?" "I interviewed last week and I'm starting today." "What? I didn't know about this. You would have told me, I don't believe it." "Yeah, I'm starting today- salary is __ and I am working as a personal banker"
"Okay who did you interview with?" "Something Carlisle" (as at this moment I can't remember the name he said)
"But you never told me" (as I'm thinking, "since when does my husband get a new job and not tell me!!! Good grief!")
"April Fools!"
"It's April Fools day!" "Aw man!" *Good laugh!*

And so I suffer at times because I have no reason to know the date.

Once I learned the date I decided to attempt something a little different-

But then it was 4:45 and I was at my friend Shannon's house down the street. She was the ambitious one and I benefited. She sent me home with some meatloaf in muffin cups.

I made instant potatoes, put food coloring in and boiled some carrots. We had cupcakes, carrots and dip. Needless to say when Ben saw his plate he was more than willing to hop in that chair!
Thanks Shannon for the dinner! The meatloaf was really tasty!- not quite a cupcake, but it'll do. Fun day :)