"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Monday, May 10, 2010

Here's the scoop!

We are moving!!!!

About 2 weeks ago we went and looked at a house in Eden and lets just say we love it!
5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms up, two down, a fenced backyard with a tramp in the ground and a sandbox under the deck. The kids love it and Zach and I love it!
We will be renting. This comes as a shock to most people but it is what is best right now. The lady whose home we'll be renting is 69 I believe and she is going to help her daughter for at least a year while her son in law is in Afghanistan. Her daughter has 4 kids and works graveyards so she needs someone there at night while she's gone.
This lady is a client of Zach's and about a month ago she mentioned the idea of us renting out her house while she was gone because she knew he was from the Valley and most people who have lived in the Valley would love to get back there.
We didn't think too much about it because it was renting but really we aren't quite in the position we want to be to buy. We went up to look at the house not really expecting much. To put it lightly, I loved it! I think it is perfect. The timing is wonderful. We should be up there in the next few months maybe sooner and school starts the first of September. Ben will be able to meet some new friends just in time. The house is just down the road from the new school and I will be able to walk him while the weather is warm. There are enough rooms that Zach will be able to work from home most days and only go down town when necessary which is super cool!
The thing with this renting deal and possibly living there a short time is; we don't think it will happen. She said to us that her house is meant for a family and it is too much for her to take care of. There have only been 3 homes sell in Eden in the last 12 months. Us renting is a good thing for her. She said she has been praying for the past two years to know what to do with her house. She hadn't thought of renting it until she was in the appointment with Zach. This is an answer to her prayer too.
I could go on for a while about this. We are just excited and can't believe it is happening and so fast too! I know it is what we are supposed to do. I think it is really the only way I would ever leave my house, neighborhood and ward because I have loved it so much here! We are super sad to leave our friends and I for one think that will be the HARDEST part! We have never moved and we are super attached! Things will work out though. We are really happy about this.
*deep breath!*

There's the scoop!


Sarah said...

That is so exciting Becca! Eden is absolutely beautiful and I think it would be so fun to live there.

Vee said...

Oh I'm so excited for you! Eden has to be one of the most beautiful places on this planet. I loved visiting my cousins there. YEAH for you! Sometimes things are just amazing the way they happen.

Angie said...

How exciting for you guys! I hope I get to see some pictures soon!

The Littlefields said...

Yay!! I can't wait for your house warming party!! So excited for you guys. Lets be honest, I do wish it was a little closer in my direction, but I'm still happy for you.

Rach said...

I'm so excited for you guys!! The house looks so fun!

Shani said...

Yay! I love the scoop! How fun to have a bigger home and have the hubby be there during the day. I am great at moving boxes so let me know if you need help! We still need to hang out soon Becca!

Chantel said...

How exciting. We'll be sad to see you move out of the ward, though!

Robyn Maughan said...

Wow!! Eden is beautiful. What a wonderful opportunity. It's great how Heavenly Father takes over things some times huh. :) You'll just be over the mountain from us! Hope the move goes smoothly. Keep us updated.

sara said...

I'd be lying if I didn't say that I was totally jealous...maybe someday we can be neighbors!!!

jenica said...

oh how we love eden. the wards up there seemed to be really good too. you're gonna love it!

Tara and Ricky said...

Congrats my cute friend! I was just up in Eden running in the Ogden marathon relay and I was totally thinking how fun it would be to live there. I'm sure you will love it!

p.s. I checked out your cute marriage blog... What a great idea! I love your insight!

laura j. said...

That is exciting scoop! It sounds like a perfect place. Best of luck to you and your family.