"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My favorites....

I have so many pictures! I need to learn how to do collages so I can put them all on here. I am so happy here! I'll post more soon. :)
I love that we have a tramp and it is in the ground.

I love that I have an island, a fridge that my kids can get their own ice and water out of and that I can fit a jelly roll pan flat in the kitchen sink. :) These are just a few of my favorites! Oh my, I am one lucky girl!

We've moved!!!

We did it! We got everything out and our kids too!
Oh my did they love playing in the truck!
This little one had a fever of 102 or something at this moment...definitely made the move interesting to have her sick!
I guess Sarah was worried we'd forget her so she decided to pack herself in a box!
Josh was such a good sport! Well, they all were!

I think I am living a dream up here! I absolutely love the house and the valley!