"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Last Splash!!

Before Ben went off to school he wanted to hit the splash pad. We hadn't been to the one on Riverdale since they put it in so we went there and had a great time.
The kids had a blast and were super excited that Zach was able to stop in for a bit. We love to see him during the day. It is such a treat! Good times!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Can it really be true?

Is my baby really going to kindergarten? Zach of course asked me to say our family prayer this morning. Who cried the whole way through? Yep! He better know I love him! Gosh, it was only an hour and a half today! Pull it together! :)

Here's the pics. They are out of order. :)
We live just a little over a mile away from the school. There is a bike path and he REALLY wanted to ride his bike. I figure I should let him and I get as much exercise from bike riding or running to school while the weather is nice because once it snows up here there isn't even attempting a bike! -He LOVED it! (we all took him to school and Zach picked him up)
He was ready as soon as he woke up practically! He made his bed before he came out of his room! -Josh was still sleeping! He doesn't look excited at all does he?!
I'm surprised we got a smile out of him at breakfast time....he just wanted to go to school and was super bugged we couldn't leave at 8 o'clock!

He had fun today. It was a good day. Crazy that it is already here though! Time flies when you are having fun!...I guess it does when you're not too! I better just have fun then! :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

30 and 3!!

These two loves of mine had birthdays last week! Zach is 30 and Sarah is 3! I can't believe either of them! Time really does fly!
This adorable little thing brings me so much joy!

Candle on a marshmallow was the way to go this year! She loved it!
Thanks for being the holder of the mallow Steph!

I'm pretty sure birthdays at the cabin are the way to go!
If you are wearing a tu tu you must dance!..with the best dad in the world!
For his birthday he got 4 hours on the 4 wheeler exploring! And he got an hour ride with me! He pretty much loved it! :)

Now this man means the world to me and I don't ever want to think of life without him!
Happy Birthday Zach! You look so hot on a 4 wheeler!