"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Six months.

Today marks six months since Lily Rebecca was born. That seems seriously crazy.

Last week I went to see my R.S. President who zones my feet sometimes. She helped me a ton right after I had Lily with the zoning and the visiting while she zoned me. She is so wise and wonderful.

Anyway, while we were visiting she asked how I was doing. I mentioned that six months was coming up. I started to cry a little and asked her "why is it that some people that have gone through pretty much the same thing as me didn't seem to be phased...they had babies pretty much 10 months after they gave birth to their stillborn.
In her wise and sweet way she answered, "just because".
I love that answer. She went on to say that Heavenly Father knew I would take it hard but that I would grow from it and to have faith in the Lord and my ability to heal.

I was happy with that answer because I had been comparing myself and really wondering what the heck my problem was. I have had a really hard time. Such lows I have never known. But on the flip side, I have never known such highs.

The other day at the Leadership training I so much enjoyed feeling the Spirit without interruption. (which is how it goes around here most of the time)
After almost the whole meeting was over I felt the Spirit so strongly and this is what I wrote:
"Keep seeking Becca! Live what you learn. Spend more time on your knees & in the scriptures. Let living the gospel lift you. You can heal, you will have the strength you need & you will grow & be better for it. Look to Jesus, feel His love & follow His example."

I am so grateful for the hope and motivation I receive from the Spirit. It honestly means the world to me.

I don't know why I have struggled so. But I have. I am grateful for the things I've learned. I am grateful for the insight into suffering and into the need for us all to be kinder to each other. We just never know what is going on in the heart of another. It isn't our job to know, but it is our responsibility to do as the Savior would and that is to love.

I still ache for our sweet little Lily and for another sweet little baby of my own to hold. The ache grows deeper each day. I don't know when that will happen. I will be overcome with joy when it does. It is hard to put that feeling into words.

There have been times when I have questioned if Lily really was my little Angel in Heaven. If she really was there and if I was really going to have the opportunity to raise her. At one time when the question was on my mind a lot I was singing while getting ready for the day. I was singing the Hymn "Come unto Jesus". As I sang the line, "oh know you not that Angels are near you?". I felt the presence of my Grandma Moyes. I knew she was there and she was, in essence scolding me. I just knew that she was waving her index finger and saying, "Becca, we are here. We are. Now you stop that." I caught my breath as soon as I sang those words and I knew they really were there.
Since that experience I have had similar thoughts of, "is she really mine?", and then I remember that experience and I know she is...and she is in good company. How overwhelmingly grateful I am to know that.
I love you Lily.


Zach said...

I love you Becca! Thanks for your post!

Bruce and Mitzi said...

Oh Becca, you have me in tears. I want you to know that I am so impressed with you and your strength and your attitude. I love what you said about how none of us know what other people are going through, and it's our job to love and not judge.

I am so sorry for what yo're going through, and hope and pray that you will find peace and joy.

You are amazing, and those kids of yours are so blessed to have you as their mother.

Becky said...

You just made me cry. I have been thinking a lot of the same thoughts in the past year. I wonder all the time if the baby I miscarried is really mine? I have such high hopes that it is, and have craved to know for myself that it is, but I just don't know, and I know that it doesn't matter for me to know at this time. It is jus so hard.
Anyway, when you mentioned that you compare yourself to others who are having babies quickly and seem to be moving on, I just don't think we can truly know if they have "moved on" or not. It might seem like it, but who knows? For me, I put up the front that I had moved on quickly -I even got pregnant really quick- but I had extreme anxiety during my next pregnancy, and had a really really hard time. I still do, but I wouldn't let everyone know that.
Anyway, sorry for the rant! I'm thinking of you, and I would really love to sit and chat with you! Sometimes a friend to talk to makes a huge difference! Love ya!

Jenn K. said...

You're amazing Becca. That post was beautiful. Thank you for sharing your feelings. Those were inspiring words. I want you to know I look up to you and think you are an amazing person and mother!

Linetta said...

Just know that you are loved and that we have many angels watching over us, even if some of them are "scolding" once in a while! Keep smiling!