"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Monday, June 3, 2013

he really did turn four.

Once upon a day (March 27th), Joshua turned 4!  I never documented this.  Maybe because I only took two pictures?  Yep, the one where he is licking the batter bowl for his cake and the other, he is holding up four fingers.  Because he is four!  Four is the greatest age!
 Josh is a sweet big brother.  He is so gentle with Reddick & a big helper, it is so nice!
 Josh loved being the birthday boy.  He did enjoy his presents but what he liked best was his cake.  Whenever anyone called to wish a happy birthday, he would tell them we were going to have cake.  This is important after all. :)
 His favorite gift?  a basketball hoop that sticks to the door.  he loves to play, preferably without pants.
 handsome boy.  i think this is Easter Sunday.
 no cavities!
 Josh still naps sometimes.  He and I have a bond, we nap together and it is my fav!
 Ice cream @ Kirt's drive in during the Priesthood session.
 He does make some great faces.  Right after I took this one he wanted to see it.  He knows he's funny.
 Aunt Kimberly gave him his own mini Book of Mormon.  He loved it!
 This is Josh & Sarah helping me make jam.  I don't know what he was more excited about, the knife or helping me make jam.  It's debatable.
 I'm pretty sure he's watching a movie.
 He can be quite resourceful.  If you don't want to get burned by your toast, try a pot holder.
 This kiddo can color!...& make a face.

These pics highlight a few of the things I love about Josh.  I have always enjoyed him.  It makes me teary to think about it.  He has brought so much joy to our family.  He loves to tease, wrestle, laugh, jump, play with balls...really anything rough or boyish.  When he settles down he is either reading with me (which we both love), coloring, playing pbs kids, watching wildkrats, or he falls asleep with his "D" (blanket & I don't know where it got that name).  We love Josh and loved celebrating with the "birthday boy", which he still calls himself every now and again.  

1 comment:

Heidi-n-Scott said...

So cute. :) ...We have a "B" in our house. It is Logan's teddy bear: he's had it since he was born, and that thing goes everywhere!