"Promise me you'll always remember, You are BRAVER than you believe, You are STRONGER than you seem, And you are SMARTER than you think." ~Christopher Robin

Friday, May 25, 2012

our soccer star.

 soccer season is over.  ben made himself his own sign for us to hold at his games.
 he even told us what to say and when to cheer before hand.  he was totally a soccer star.
 zach wasn't the full-time coach but he did fill in and enjoyed it.  ben liked it too.  he loves his dad.
 we like the games.  we bring blankets and treats and have a good time.  sometimes the kids aren't exactly thrilled and end up going in their pajamas.
 this is a rare photo, he is usually chasing the ball or playing with the other boys.  he's enjoyed himself.
 the things josh tries to do for a three year old scares me.  but is he ever thrilled when he does it.
this season of soccer was a little bit more difficult for ben.  the boys are a lot better and goals aren't as easy to come by.  he did score once and had some assists.  he is excited about next year because they get to have a goalie.  it's fun to be a mom.

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